Jubilation Ceremony of José Esgalhado Valença, Full Professor of the Department of Informatics, had several testimonies and the honoree’s last lesson. With the theme “A Journey with Math”, the ceremony was attended by family, friends, colleagues, students and alumni, among other personalities of the academic community. Pedro Guedes de Oliveira, […]
Daily Archives: 31/10/2019
Universities gathered to promote research projects and mobility of teachers and students The School of Engineering received, on the 8th of October, the Polytechnic School (Poli-USP) and Faculty of Medicine (FMUSP) of the University of São Paulo. The Brazilian delegation, composed of Reinaldo Giudici, Vice Dean of the Poli-USP, Gilberto […]
André Carvalho, PhD student at the MIT Portugal Program, received last week in Lisbon, as part of the European Organization Congress 2019, the award for best doctoral presentation with the paper “Rediscovering Quality in an Unstable and Complex Business Environment”, whose co-authors are Paulo Sampaio, Eric Rebentisch, and Pedro Saraiva.
The article “Quality Control Strategy Based on Quality Cost Models with Uncertain Parameters”, by authors Sérgio Sousa and Eusébio Nunes, researchers from the ALGORITMI Center’s IEM group and lecturers from the Department of Production and Systems at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, was distinguished Best Paper […]