The world’s largest autonomous shop was inaugurated in Leiria, a reality that was born as part of the PT Smart Retail Project, in which the ALGORITMI Centre is integrated. Together with the Jordão company, based in Guimarães, the ALGORITMI Centre has incorporated the process of research and creation of technologies […]
Neryvaldo Galvão, a graduate of the University of Minho’s School of Engineering, was awarded the Cape Verde Prize for Young Scientists for having the best doctoral thesis defended in the last year by a Cape Verdean citizen up to the age of 35. The award, worth 15,000 euros, was presented […]
The University of Minho’s PROMETHEUS-1 satellite was launched on 14 January from the Vanderberg Spaceport in California, USA, on a Space X Falcon 9 rocket. The space object will remain at an altitude of around 500 kilometres and will collect useful data for the academic and scientific community. The launch […]
UMinho Engineering leads the way in patents in Portugal The University of Minho is the national institution with the most applications for ‘patent families’, according to the ‘Inventa Barometer 2024 – Patents Made in Portugal’, which has just been released by the consultancy Inventa International. The academy’s 29 registrations include […]
The Demo Day of the 2nd edition of the Empreender@Braga Program took place on December 16, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Braga Youth Center, and admission was free. The event supported by Startup Braga culminated a training program, with six bootcamps and talks from November 18 to […]
UMinho’s Vice-rector for Research and Innovation, Eugénio Campos Ferreira, Professors Filomena Soares, Paulo Lourenço and Madalena Alves (also President of the Foundation for Science and Technology) and the Vice-president of UMinho’s General Council, António Carlos Rodrigues received the insignia and diplomas as new members of the Academy of Engineering. The […]
It’s an innovation that will improve food safety and help prevent health risks. The Myco-ProAffinity Project, led by the CEB, is creating an innovative solution so that food reaches our tables more safely. How? By developing a technological platform that uses specific proteins to identify and remove mycotoxins, an invisible […]
The presentation of the projects of the candidates for the UMinho Initiation in Scientific Research Award took place on December 5 at UMinho’s Gualtar campus, with the participation of the School of Engineering’s research centers, 2C2T, ALGORITMI, CEB, CMEMS and CTAC. Thirty undergraduate and first-year integrated master’s students have developed […]
Magda Mendes Duarte, a former student on the Master’s Degree in Engineering Physics, is the winner of the “Alcino Lavrador Prize”, which is designed to distinguish the best final-year student on any Master’s Degree taught by the University of Minho’s School of Engineering. This is an annual award and has […]
José Campos e Matos, a lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering and a researcher at ISISE – Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), was awarded the title of Specialist in Structures by the Order of Engineers on November 23rd. For Campos e Matos, “It was a […]
On November 20, idD Portugal Defence and the Portuguese Army awarded the “Army Tested” Qualification Seals to the “Active Clothing with NBQR Protection (PluriProtech)” project consortium, made up of the University of Minho (through the Fibrenamics interface, the Sciencentris spin-off and the School of Engineering), Latino Confeções, Tintex Textiles and […]
The University of Minho has two scientists among the most cited in the world by other researchers – José António Teixeira, from the Center for Biological Engineering (CEB), and Rui L. Reis, from the 3B’s Group. This was confirmed today by the Highly Cited Researchers 2024 list, by US consultancy […]