Cláudio Coutinho, a student on EEUM’s Biomedical Master’s degree – Biomaterials branch, carried out his master’s thesis project at IPO-Porto’s Radiotherapy service, in which, under the guidance of researchers from the School of Engineering, Vanessa Cardoso and Óscar Carvalho (CMEMS), he developed new materials using organic/inorganic waste to produce phantoms […]
The AEROS Constellation (AEROS) project aimed to develop a nano-satellite platform as a precursor to a future constellation to leverage scientific and economic synergies between space and the ocean. The project is made up of a consortium of Portuguese companies, research institutes and universities, which in addition to the University […]
News reports about leaks of information stored by major applications – collected through their use by ordinary citizens – are common, leaving personal data (often sensitive) exposed. In most cases, said leaks stem from software operating errors capable of causing astronomical losses to companies, both financially and in terms of […]
The Center for Microelectromechanical Systems (CMEMS), which brings together researchers from Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Engineering, has developed an innovative hybrid, multi-material additive manufacturing technology for multi-functional components that has attracted the interest of multiple institutions worldwide, including the ESA. This technology, completely developed at UMinho’s School of Engineering, from […]
The first-year students of the Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Area of Specialisation in Energy and Environmental Technologies built prototype demonstrators of two technologies for sustainability in the Thermochemical Processes course unit. One of the demonstrators produces so-called “green hydrogen” from the electrolysis of water. The term “green” is due […]
José Teixeira, on the Organising and Scientific Committee, and António Vicente, on the organisation, both researchers from the Centre for Biological Engineering (CEB) at the University of Minho, took part in the 5th International Yale Symposium on Olive Oil & Health. The event, which took place from 10 to 13 […]
The UMinho Scientific Research Initiation Award 2023 ceremony took place on 12 December at the Gualtar campus in Braga. Twenty-seven undergraduate and first-year integrated master’s students have been developing their scientific projects over the last few months, involved in teams of recognised merit at UMinho, and then presented their results […]
On 22 November, the University of Minho and the University of Vigo (Galicia) held a Research Forum to showcase their projects in 11 scientific areas and deepen cooperation. The initiative took place in the Zulmira Simões auditorium of the UMinho School of Medicine, on the Gualtar campus in Braga. The […]
The University of Minho is the national institution with the most requests for “patent families”, according to the “Barómetro Inventa 2023 – Patentes Made in Portugal”. The university’s 69 registrations include medical, biotechnological, autonomous driving, manufacturing, production and construction innovations, among others. The results reinforce the role of UMinho and […]
The multiple situations in which the transactional system does not ensure isolation to databases, thus compromising their efficiency, were the starting point for the research dedicated to the design and implementation of isolation in the query engine, preparing it for hybrid workloads. Databases that support structures like banking or commerce […]
The headquarters of the Associated Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LASI) – the largest in the country, with more than 500 scientists from 13 R&D centres in seven academies and led by Paulo Novais, from UMinho’s School of Engineering – was inaugurated on October 19 at the Guimarães Business and Innovation […]
The XII edition of the Symposium of the Group of Energy and Power Electronics (GEPE) took place last June 29th, in hybrid format (online and in the Azurém campus of the University of Minho). The program of this edition included the presentation of the Power and Energy Electronics Group and […]