
Advisory Board of the School of Engineering meets at the Azurém campus

On 18 October, the Advisory Board of the School of Engineering met in the meeting room of the Presidency of the EEUM. The agenda included a brief presentation of the EEUM’s activities over the last year, namely the integration of the School into various courses of the Alliance Project (postgraduate alliance); the activities and events promoted by the School’s Presidency that took place in the last academic year 23/24; a brief characterisation of the results of the National Entrance Exam; and the organisation of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the School of Engineering.

The EEUM’s Agenda for Innovation and Entrepreneurship was also presented, as well as the objectives to be achieved by structuring this agenda, which includes initiatives organised by the presidency and initiatives organised by partners, in which the EEUM will actively participate as a way of boosting results. Workshops/seminars, interface open days, incubator open days and company visits are also planned.

Finally, as part of this agenda, the presidency decided to award an annual ‘EEUM Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prize’, to be added to the recognition and merit prizes awarded annually at the School Day ceremony.

The presentation of this item ended with the presentation of the Monitoring Group for the Development of the Agenda, made up of members of the Presidency, its sub-units, TecMinho and EPIC – UMinho’s Junior Engineering Company.

After the initial presentation, the second part of the meeting was dedicated to the debate and exchange of reflections on the key points presented, both in the initial presentation by the President and in the presentation of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agenda by the Vice-President, Professor Raúl Fangueiro.

The meeting was attended by the inherent members, Pedro Miguel Ferreira Martins Arezes, Lígia Raquel Marona Rodrigues, Raúl Manuel Esteves Sousa Fangueiro and Olga Machado Sousa Carneiro, as well as the external personalities António Carlos Rodrigues, Domingos Bragança, Morten Kroger, Paulo Coelho Lima and Teresa Martins, and the representatives of the EEUM interface units, Ana Lima, Cláudia Cristóvão, Fernando Cunha, Jorge Araújo and Paulo Ramísio. Ana Paula Brites, the school’s secretary, and Catarina Silva, secretary to the school’s president, were also present by invitation.

Two new members of the EEUM Advisory Board were also present: Paulo Ramísio, managing director of TecMinho, and Manuela Vaz, managing director of Accenture Portugal.