On 11 and 12 December, the public exams for Habilitation in the branch of Industrial and Systems Engineering, requested by Doctor Ana Cristina da Silva Braga, took place in the Sala de Atos of the Azurém Campus of the University of Minho, Guimarães, and was unanimously approved.
The jury was chaired by Dr José Manuel Vasconcelos Valério de Carvalho, Full Professor in the Department of Production and Systems at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, and its members were Dr Ana Paula Ferreira Dias Barbosa Póvoa, Full Professor in the Department of Engineering and Management at the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon; Dr Bernardo Sobrinho Simões de Almada-Lobo, Full Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto; Dr Elisabeth de Azevedo Reis, Full Professor in the Department of Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics at the ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa School of Management; Dr Maria da Conceição de Andrade Silva, Full Professor in the Department of Management at the Portuguese Catholic University, Porto Branch; Dr Goran Putnik, Full Professor in the Department of Production and Systems at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho; and Dr Cláudio Manuel Martins Alves, Full Professor in the Department of Production and Systems at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho.
The Habilitation degree is awarded to professors with a professional curriculum of high merit who demonstrate relevant activity in terms of advanced research, training or guidance, and the authorship of scientific work of recognised quality after obtaining a doctorate.