Secretary of State for Planning and Rector of UMinho among those present.
The School of Engineering of the University of Minho (EEUM) celebrated its 45th anniversary last October 6 in the noble auditorium of the Azurém campus in Guimarães. The ceremony featured an intervention by the Secretary of State for Planning, José Mendes, who presented the Recovery and Resilience Plan and said that “UMinho is very well positioned to be part of one of the most mobilising agendas. We will not have another opportunity like this. This is an extraordinary opportunity and UMinho is capable of seizing it”.
The programme also included a lecture entitled “dor – dever de responsabilidade social. oportunidade da responsabilidade social. responsabilidade social empresarial”, by the president of the dst group, José Teixeira, who in addition to portraying his childhood and academic and professional career, praised the value of education, mentioning that the day he knew he entered UMinho “was the happiest day” of his life. The alumnus of EEUM ended the lecture with an appeal for companies to be “cultured, cosmopolitan and socially responsible”.
The President of the School of Engineering officially presented what has become the signature of the EEUM brand: “Tomorrow Needs Engineering”, an initiative that intends to reaffirm the positioning of EEUM at national and international level as a young, energetic School, with knowledge, competence and experience to find solutions for future challenges.
There was also a place for awards to students from the Casais Group, Iberomoldes and Bosch, and recognition to members of the academic community by the School of Engineering retired in 2019.
The entire session can be reviewed on the Youtube channel of the School of Engineering, where the message of thanks of the EEUM to the entire academic community for the commitment shown in maintaining the purpose of the institution during the period of confinement due to Covid-19 is also found.