
School of Engineering takes part in UMinho & UVigo Research Forum

On 22 November, the University of Minho and the University of Vigo (Galicia) held a Research Forum to showcase their projects in 11 scientific areas and deepen cooperation.

The initiative took place in the Zulmira Simões auditorium of the UMinho School of Medicine, on the Gualtar campus in Braga. The opening session was attended by UMinho’s Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Eugénio Campos Ferreira, and his UVigo counterpart, Belén Rubio.

From 10am, there were 15-minute joint presentations, with one researcher from each university and by area of knowledge: Law (Inés Celia Iglesias Canle and Rossana Cruz), Archaeology (Oscar Penín and Maria do Carmo Ribeiro), Artificial Intelligence (Arno Formella and Paulo Novais), Oceanography (Daniel Rey Garcia and Pedro Gomes), Biomedicine (Diana Valverde and Nuno Osório) and Chemical Engineering (Ángeles Sanromán and Teresa Tavares).

After a short break, the areas of Food & Biotechnology (David Fernández Calviño and Ricardo Pereira), Civil Engineering (Diego Fernández Novoa and Miguel Azenha), Aerospace Engineering (Ángel Paredes Galán and Gustavo Dias), Statistics (Javier Roca Pardiñas and Luís Machado) and Communication (Montserrat Vázquez and Teresa Ruão) followed.

Proceedings came to a close at 1pm, followed by a group of parallel sessions to discuss partnership projects.

The event also saw the launch of a call for funding for joint projects between teams from the two universities.

The Forum aimed to reinforce the commitment of these universities to research, innovation and the valorisation of knowledge, as well as to share projects, resources and good practices, and to help affirm the Euroregion at international level.

