The paper entitled “GreenHub Farmer: Real-world data for Android Energy Mining”, written by Marco Couto and Rui Pereira, researchers of INESC TEC’s High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab) and of the University of Minho, alongside Hugo Matalonga, of the University of Minho, Bruno Cabral and João Paulo Fernandes of the University of […]
Monthly Archives: June 2019
The 4th edition took place at the Altice Forum Braga, between June 3 and 7 The 4th Economic Week addressed this year the central theme of the “Economy and Talent”. Throughout the week several initiatives have publicized the various sectoral dynamics of Braga, for which the city is recognized: BRAGA […]
The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Minho, held on June 6 and 7, in Azurém Campus, the 5th Race Party, the largest of its kind in the Iberian Peninsula, with 150 high-school and university students in mini-car tests for descents and accelerations. The minicars were the result […]
Join’19 took place between the 3rd and 5th of June at the Campus of Gualtar. The program included technical sessions on blockchain, computer graphics and web development, presentation of dissertation proposals, as well as hundreds of job opportunities. As in previous editions, students have been called upon to respond to […]
Exams took place on 6 and 7 June at the Noble Hall of the University of Minho. The Habilitation Exams required by Professor Raúl Fangueiro, Associate Professor of the sub-group of Metallurgy and Mechanics of Materials of the Mechanics Engineering Department of EEUM, took place on June 6 and 7, […]
“UModa” took place on the 7th, on the campus of Azurém, in Guimarães The Fashion Design and Marketing students of the University of Minho presented their final collections in a fashion show scheduled for last friday, at the Azurém Campus in Guimarães. In this fourth edition of the “UModa” event, […]