
EEUM researchers receive Cruz Azevedo Award, by APAET

The researchers from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering of UMinho, Vitor Hugo Carneiro (Metrics), José Meireles (Metrics) and Hugo Puga (CMEMS), along with two researchers from the University of Manchester, S. D. Rawson and P. J. Withers, won the Eng.ª Cruz Azevedo Award, given by the Portuguese Association for Experimental Stress Analysis (APAET) to the work with the highest scientific merit published in the journal “Mecânica Experimental” in the year 2020.

The award was presented on September 30th, during the National Congress of Experimental Mechanics, in Leiria. The distinguished study “Influence of Poisson’s Coefficient on the Collapse of Non-Stochastic Cellular Solids”, addresses the advancement in hybrid methodologies of loss model casting assisted by additive manufacturing to manufacture non-stochastic configurations with customizable properties, e.g. negative Poisson’s Coefficient. The technique could be used to manufacture aluminum alloy panels with high specific strength and vibration damping, applicable in industries as varied as railroads, aeronautics, and machine tools.

Congrats to the researchers!