
Hungarian delegation visits EEUM Centers and Interfaces

On December 10, a delegation made up of members of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the University of Miskolc, the Institute of Metallurgy, Plastic Forming and Nanotechnology , the Bay Zoltán Foundation, and the Hungarian Embassy in Portugal, visited the 2C2T – Center for Textile Science and Technology and IPC – Institute of Polymers and Composites Research Centers, as well as the Fibrenamics interfaces and PIEP – Polymer Engineering Innovation Pole.

The aim of this visit was to foster collaboration between the University of Minho’s School of Engineering, its research centers and interface entities working in the fields of engineering and Hungarian institutions. The visit thus aimed to strengthen partnerships in research, innovation and technology transfer, taking advantage of experience in advanced materials, polymers, composites and engineering solutions to respond to industrial and social challenges.

The delegation was welcomed by the Vice-President of the School of Engineering, Professor Raúl Fangueiro, and by the head of EEUM’s Internationalization Office, Dr. Carla Soares, followed by a visit to the laboratories and facilities of the research centers and interfaces, where the Hungarian delegation had the opportunity to interact with their directors and researchers and learn about some of the projects underway.