
Engineering Academy honors UMinho members

UMinho’s Vice-rector for Research and Innovation, Eugénio Campos Ferreira, Professors Filomena Soares, Paulo Lourenço and Madalena Alves (also President of the Foundation for Science and Technology) and the Vice-president of UMinho’s General Council, António Carlos Rodrigues received the insignia and diplomas as new members of the Academy of Engineering. The ceremony took place on December 10th at the Pavilhão do Conhecimento in Lisbon.

The Academy of Engineering has 154 active members, including from UMinho Professors António Cunha (full member), Carlos Bernardo, Júlio Barreiros Martins, Renato Morgado, Manuel Mota, Sérgio Machado dos Santos (emeritus members), as well as two former Presidents of the General Council, Luís Braga da Cruz and Luís Valente de Oliveira (both emeritus).

Former Rector J. Barbosa Romero co-founded the Academy of Engineering in 1995, which welcomes personalities with outstanding professional records in Engineering and aims to promote studies, international cooperation and raising awareness among governments to adopt public policies that overcome or minimize socio-economic problems such as poverty, territorial asymmetries, environmental threats, energy shortages, droughts and pandemic threats.

Congratulations to the winners!