
Luís Soares Barbosa elected IFIP Technical Committee Coordinator

Luís Soares Barbosa, researcher of the High-Assurance Software Laboratory of INESC TEC and Professor at the University of Minho and United Nations University, was elected last Thursday, 24 January, Chair of Technical Committee 1 on Foundations of Computer Science (IFIP TC1), an international board devoted to the development of theoretical computer science and its bridges with other domains of knowledge and socially relevant applications.

The Committee is formed by the Working Group Chairs, national representatives and a number of distinguished researchers chosen by their outstanding contributions to the foundations of Computer Science.

Luís Soares Barbosa’s participation in IFIP dates back to 2014 when he was co-opted as a member of WG1.03 (http://ifipwg13.cs.ovgu.de/), and later appointed as Portugal representative at TC1. With this election Luis Soares Barbosa succeeds Prof Jacques Sakarovitch, CNRS – Université Paris Diderot, who served as TC1 Chair from 2013 to 2018.

Established in 1960, under the auspices of UNESCO, IFIP is a global organisation of researchers and professionals working in the field of information and communication technologies to conduct research, develop standards and promote information sharing.

The IFIP TC1 hosts a number of working groups playing relevant roles in the dinamization of specific scientific areas such as “Descriptional Complexity” (WG1.02), “Foundations of System Specification” (WG1.03), “Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems” (WG1.05), “Rewriting” (WG1.06), “Foundations of Security Analysis and Design” (1.07), “Concurrency Theory” (WG1.08), “Verified Systems” (WG1.09) and “String Algorithmics & Applications” (WG1.10).

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