
PIEP organises Innovation FORUM for an Intelligent and Sustainable Society

The interface of the University of Minho, PIEP – Polymers Engineering Innovation Hub, aware of the importance of innovation for the country’s economic growth, its challenges in the global context and the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2045 in our society, promoted the innovation FORUM on 8 January at the Vila Flor Cultural Centre in Guimarães, which aimed to contribute to the creation of an Innovation Hub to facilitate and promote synergies between academia, industry and the public sector, in a debate geared towards our collective future.

The forum’s programme included a number of panels, starting straight after the opening with the Intelligent and Sustainable Mobility panel, moderated by the president of the School of Engineering, Professor Pedro Arezes, and featuring members of AED Cluster Portugal, Petrotec, Efacec and CEiiA.

The Innovation Ecosystems for a Decarbonised Economy panel also included another member of the School of Engineering, from the Polymer Engineering Department, Professor António Pontes, along with members of APIP, APED, DST Group and Produtech.

Find out more about all the panels and speakers taking part in this forum here.