
Professor Madalena Araújo’s Jubilation Ceremony

The Jubilation Ceremony of Maria Madalena T. Araújo, Full Professor in the Production and Systems Department of the School of Engineering, took place on December 3rd at the Azurém campus of the University of Minho.

The program began at 5pm, with the reception of guests and the audience, and the opening included speeches by Rui Vieira de Castro, Rector of the University of Minho, Pedro Arezes, President of the School of Engineering, Adelina Paula Pinto, Vice-President and Councillor for Education of Guimarães City Council, and Paulo Sampaio, Director of the Production and Systems Department. Maria Sameiro Carvalho and António Paisana, professors in the Department of Production and Systems at the School of Engineering at the University of Minho, then praised the graduate.

The last lecture at the graduation ceremony, given by Professor M. Madalena T. Araújo, was entitled “The Challenges of Decision Making – From Loose Ends to Lessons Learned”.

The ceremony ended with a Port of Honor, during which everyone present was able to personally congratulate the jubilariate.

The ceremony can be reviewed here.

Photo gallery here.

jubilacao Madalena Araujo