The School of Engineering of the University of Minho is also represented in the Tokyo Olympic Games!
The Portuguese delegation has 82 athletes, including four students and alumni of the School of Engineering, who are currently defending the national colours in the biggest world sporting event:
Handball – Diogo Ferraz Branquinho and Fábio Magalhães, students of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management; and Humberto Gomes, alumnus of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering.
Swimming – José Paulo Gomes, student of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management.
Following the participation of engineering student athletes in the Olympic Games, the Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE), with the support of the Portuguese Olympic Committee, launched a campaign to support the Portuguese delegation in Tokyo, which has these young people as its protagonists.
#JuntosSomosEngenhariaEmTóquio is the motto of the Campaign that will be disseminated on the social networks of this Professional Association and that includes a series of podcasts, broadcasted on the new channel of the OE on Spotify, which will show the future engineers that are at the Olympic Games representing our country.
“How are you facing the unique experience of representing Portugal in the biggest sporting event in the World?” and “How do you reconcile studying in Engineering with the demands of training?” are some of the questions that will be answered in the podcast #JuntosSomosEngenhariaEmTóquio, available on Spotify.
Watch the first episode of the series, with the athlete Diogo Ferraz Branquinho, here
The episode with the athlete José Paulo Lopes is available here
Listen to the testimonials of all UMinho athletes here.
The School of Engineering wishes our students and alumni all the energy, encouragement and success in these Olympic Games!