Bruna Oliveira, a Master’s student in Chemical and Biological Engineering at EEUM, was the student with the best classification out of the 80 applications received.
The full list of EEUM students honoured also includes:
Rita Maria da Costa Miranda
Bruno Miguel Oliveira Pereira
Eva Miriam Pires de Castro
Diana Abreu Machado Azevedo Rodrigues
Luís Miguel Cerqueira Pinto
Juliana Pereira Galvão
Beatriz Daniela Pinto Carneiro
Nelson Moura Pereira Duro
Beatriz Martins da Silva
João Pedro Costa Rocha
e João Pedro Cortês Pereira.
The prizes, worth €1,000 each, were awarded by the Order of Engineers Northern Region – OERN, together with partner entities (A400, ACA, Casais, Mota-Engil, NCREP, Painhas, Sopsec, Top Informática, Vialsil), under Collaboration Protocols, on 26 September at the Porto Conservatory of Music.
Congratulations to all the participants, particularly the students from the School of Engineering!
More info and photo gallery: