International Academy for Quality awarded innovative doctoral study of André Carvalho The International Academy for Quality (IAQ) has distinguished the researcher André M. Carvalho, from the Center ALGORITMI of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, for having the best doctoral thesis in this area, worldwide, in 2020. The […]
Daily Archives: 31/05/2021
The project PassCert – Exploring the Impact of Formal Verification on the Adoption of Password Security Software, started in February and will allow the creation of a password manager that ensures security properties on data storage and generation of passwords, using formal verification. More specifically, the PassCert project aims to determine whether formal verification can increase […]
“UPA Digital” allowed between May 5th and 7th direct interaction with the academy The University of Minho opened its doors digitally between 5 and May 7, inviting 3rd cycle and high school students, parents, teachers and vocational advisors to interact with the community of this academy. The “UPA Digital” initiative […]
In order to solve structural problems, the intervention on the exterior and interior of the main chapel of Porto Cathedral started last April, with the monitoring of a team of ISISE researchers, namely Nuno Mendes and Paulo Lourenço. However, ISISE’s collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Culture of the North […]
Programs in Braga and Guimarães take place online from May 17 to 19 The annual “Pint of Science” festival returns on May 17, 18 and 19 to Portugal, with 90 scientists presenting their projects to society in a simple and accessible way. The initiative has sessions at 7pm, 8pm and […]
Maria Sameiro Faria Brandão Soares Carvalho was reelected director of the Department of Production and Systems of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, for the 2021/2023 biennium. She will have as deputy director Professor Lino António Antunes Fernandes Costa. The swearing-in cerimony took place online on May […]
José Manuel Ferreira Machado renewed his mandate as Director of the ALGORITMI Centre for the triennium 2021/2024. The ceremony took place last May 5, 2021, online, and the inauguration was conferred by the President of the School of Engineering, Pedro Arezes. In this new mandate, José Machado remains accompanied by […]
Diogo Ferraz Branquinho, 2nd year Integrated Master’s student in Industrial Engineering and Management at EEUM, is on his way to the Olympic Games for the National Handball Team. The School of Engineering wishes Diogo lots of success in this great challenge! Get to know Diogo’s academic and sportive journey in […]
A Study Room that puts the student as the central element of the learning process The University of Minho (UMinho) inaugurated on May 28 an active learning room with innovative technology. This new space is flexible and adaptable to the different needs of working groups and focuses on learning by […]