
30th Anniversary of the Master’s Course in Human Engineering

The Master course in Human Engineering (MEH) turns 30 years old (Resolution SU-18/1994) and signalized this date with a Workshop on the 17th of May.

It was a very interesting and pleasant meeting in which students and former students (from: MEH, Master in Engineering and Industrial Management and Degree in Civil Protection and Territorial Management), researchers, teachers and former teachers from MEH, fellow teachers from Department of Production and Systems (DPS), members of the Authority for Working Conditions (namely, Dr. Miguel Berbereia Costa who participated in the opening session of the event) and the President of the School of Engineering and Coordinator of the EHF research group, Professor Pedro Arezes.

Professor Sérgio Miguel (who passed away just over a month ago) was remembered a few times during the Workshop. Before the closing, a brief ceremony was held to present merit and dedication awards. These honors were bestowed upon Professor Luís Gomes da Costa, Professor Mónica Paz Barroso, Professor Pedro Arezes, and Professor Alberto Sérgio Miguel (posthumously).

The Workshop included a coffee break with a musical moment provided by a saxophone quintet from the Guimarães Conservatory, lunch and Port of Honor.

Thank you to everyone present at the Workshop and congratulations to MEH and everyone who collaborates with MEH.

Consult the program of the workshop here:

Please find a summary video of the workshop at the link bellow:
