The project “Baterias 2030 – The batteries as a central element for urban sustainability”, led by the company DST SOLAR, from Braga, will install a Living Laboratory for Decarbonization in three infrastructures of the Municipality of Braga; in the Gnration building, in the Services Park of the Municipality, and in […]
The EuroCC2 project started in February; the new European project by INESC TEC aims to identify and address the skills gap in high-performance computing (HPC) in the European ecosystem, and to promote cooperation across Europe, thus ensuring a consistent skills base. This project focuses on establishing and managing a network […]
Horizonte Europa has set aside 4.6 million euros for the CROSSCON project, in which the ALGORITMI Centre, from the University of Minho, participates. Portuguese institution can receive up to 577.2 thousand euros. The Internet of Things (IoT) brings new cybersecurity challenges. At a time when cyber attacks are increasingly frequent, […]
NORISK project includes the creation of a European master’s degree and has its final session in Guimarães The School of Engineering of the University of Minho held on 29 and 30 March the final workshop of the NORISK Erasmus+ project, which aims to prepare a new generation of technicians with […]
Under the protocol signed, on November 16, 2022, between Bracara Augusta Foundation, AGERE, the University of Minho and the 37 Unions and Parish Councils, which provides for the collaboration of the School of Engineering, on World Water Day, the entities involved presented the first initiative of the project, entitled ‘Memories […]
The EuroCC2 project started in February; the new European project by INESC TEC aims to identify and address the skills gap in high-performance computing (HPC) in the European ecosystem, and to promote cooperation across Europe, thus ensuring a consistent skills base. This project focuses on establishing and managing a network […]
The School of Engineering of the University of Minho is coordinating the Erasmus+ project STEAMigPOWER “STEAM approaches at higher education for mIGrants, refugees and asylum seekers’ empowerment”. The project involves several research centers of the School of Engineering – ALGORITMI Center, ISISE and CEB – and the Presidency of the […]
Who has never heard of PLUMA? The lightest and most attractive gas bottle in the national market, owned by Galp, had in its genesis, in 2005, a very important contribution of Polymer Engineering from the School of Engineering of UMinho, in a project led by the company Amtrol-Alfa and with […]
120M€ project involves the University of Minho and 15 partners The Lusitano Project was visited by the Prime Minister António Costa on January 13, at Riopele‘s facilities in Famalicão, as part of the PRR Route that is to know in loco three of the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation already […]
A team of INESC TEC researchers working on the Alloy language and specification tool presented the QAlloy extension at the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), a top conference in the area of software engineering that took place between November 14 […]
The RISC2 project, which aims to promote and improve the relationship between research and innovation communities in Europe and Latin America, won the HPCwire Editor’s Choice Awards in the category of Best HPC Collaboration. The project was acknowledged at the annual HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards, presented at the […]
A research team from the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, composed of members of the Departments of Industrial Electronics (Sérgio Coelho and Carlos Martins) and Mechanical Engineering (Professor Caetano Monteiro), went to Maputo in order to monitor the work developed under the PV4SUSTAINABILITY project. After the welcome […]