The new version of the RAID platform will allow telecommunications operators to detect fraud in real time, which translates into greater security and quality of service for companies and customers. Improving the RAID platform, a system marketed by the telecommunications analyst Mobileum for the comprehensive risk management in companies, thus […]
Much has been said recently about the Covid Stayaway app, an application that was officially presented on September 1, which aims to track the potential contagion networks by Covid-19, and which after three weeks of its availability already had over 1 million downloads. We already know that it is a […]
Researchers João Tiago Paulo (INESC TEC/UMinho), Vinicius Vielmo Cogo and Alysson Neves Bessani (both from ULisboa) have created a technology that can allow faster and cheaper studies in genome sequencing and with 75% less storage space in data. The study was published in “IEEE”. They combined a new technique of […]
2C2T from EEUM and Citeve are part of a consortium that created the first protective mask that inactivates the new coronavirus. The first textile and reusable mask with proven capacity to inactivate the new coronavirus, responsible for Covid-19, was created in Portugal, in a cooperation project between the business, academic […]
Advanced computing (High Performance Computing – HPC) provides more resources and better performance than ordinary computers, in order to solve complex engineering and scientific problems, while contributing to technological developments in several areas, such as healthcare, environment and natural sciences. Actually, these services have been expanding and diversifying the range […]
The ‘Fibrenamics Green’ platform, created at the University of Minho for product development using industrial waste, is one of the 25 finalists for the European Commission’s Regiostars 2020 Awards, known today, which distinguish good practice supported by EU funds. Developed by the International Fibrenamics Platform of the University of Minho, […]
The School of Engineering and the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), representing the University of Minho, will coordinate the Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) in Civil Engineering. This is the only project coordinated by a Portuguese entity in the engineering area in the MSCA-ITN program in the […]
iWATERMAP is a European Project and involves 9 partners and 7 regions from all over Europe Find more sustainable and intelligent solutions to manage water treatment and supply systems more efficiently, bring new life to resources created from wastewater and identify advanced technologies to eliminate hidden threats such as antibiotic […]
“Guerreiros da Saúde contra o Coronavírus” is the name of the digital book developed and made available totally free, by the company Betweien. This book, developed by the Betweien team, in a concerted manner and in less than 48 hours, aims to respond, to what is the company’s Social Responsibility […]