Mariana Rodrigues da Silva, PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, was distinguished with the Best Presentation award in the scope of the 7th conference of the International Mentoring Programme (International Mentoring Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education – IMFAHE), which took place last May 31st.
This award was given in the context of the presentation of the work entitled “Influence of Spherical Joint Modelling Strategies in Mechanical Systems”, which aims to examine different techniques of computational modelling of spherical joints including realistic properties such as clearance, lubrication and elasticity. The work developed has several applications, either in joints of mechanical components, as in automobile suspensions, or in human joints, as in the hip joint. This work resulted from the collaboration between researchers from the Engineering School of UMinho (Mariana Rodrigues da Silva, Filipe Marques and Paulo Flores) and Instituto Superior Técnico (Miguel Tavares da Silva).
The winner concluded, in October 2018, the Integrated Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering at the School of Engineering of UMinho, having obtained 20 marks in her dissertation. Since then, she joined the PhD Program in Mechanical Engineering where she conducts research in the area of human movement with gait assist devices, developing her scientific activities at the Center for MicroElectroMechanical Systems of UMinho (CMEMS) of the School of Engineering of UMinho. She is author and co-author of several scientific and technical publications.
Congratulations Mariana Silva!