
EEUM student wins “Shark Tank Edition 2020” idea contest

The team of Géremi Dranka, PhD student at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho and participant in the International Mentoring Program of #UMinho, won this week the “Shark Tank Edition 2020” idea contest, held as part of the annual conference of the International Mentoring Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education (IMFAHE).

The distinction is due to “VitaCare”, a “superaliment” that prevents malnutrition in cancer patients, which was coordinated by Paula Ferreira, a teacher at UMinho.

This international mentoring structure aimed at PhD students integrates 10 students from UMinho linked to the areas of engineering, science and medicine (mentors) and 10 professionals (mentors) from world renowned entities.

Full news at: https://alumni.uminho.pt/pt/news/Paginas/05/2020/G%C3%A9remi_Dranka-.aspx

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