The investiture of the new management team for the 2022/2024 biennium took place last March 21st, at 2:00 pm in the meeting room of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. José Luís Carvalho Martins Alves is now the new department director, with Nuno Ricardo Maia Peixinho as deputy director.
The ceremony was attended by several elements of the department, including the outgoing deputy director, Cândida Vilarinho. The president of the School of Engineering congratulated the work developed by the previous direction and expressed full availability to support the new team in whatever it feels the need.
In his speech, José Alves mentioned the importance of being able to count on all the members of the department for the success of the mission, which is to form successful students who will raise the name of the department and the institution. He thanked the trust placed in his team and the fact that Nuno Peixinho has accepted the challenge of sharing the leadership of the department for the next two years.