The University of Minho celebrated its 48th Anniversary last February 17th, in a Ceremony that took place, for the first time, at Teatro Jordão, in Guimarães. At the ceremony, the rector of UMinho, Rui Vieira de Castro, the president of the Academic Association of UMinho, Duarte Lopes, the president of the Municipality of Guimarães, Domingos Bragança, and the president of the General Council of UMinho, Joana Marques Vidal, gave speeches.
The event included the awarding of diplomas and merit prizes to professors, directors, students and technical professionals of the institution. Two students from the School of Engineering, André Filipe de Sousa Ferreira and Sara Gonçalves Goren, were distinguished with the awards Caixa Geral de Depósitos and Câmara Municipal de Guimarães, respectively.
Professor António Gomes Correia, professor of the Department of Civil Engineering of School of Engineering, was awarded the title of Emeritus Professor. Conferred by the University of Minho to its jubilated and retired professors, the title of Emeritus Professor distinguishes the professionals that stood out in their area of expertise, by the relevance of their contribution to the University.
Ângela Maria Martins C. Macedo, António José Vale Matos, Carla Alexandra Silva Dias Sousa, Joaquina Natividade Gonçalves Miranda, Leonor Cunha Lapa Carneiro, Luís Manuel Pinheiro Gonçalves Coutinho, Manuela Ester Pereira Silva and Maria José Silva Castro Nunes Ferreira were the eight technical, administrative and management professionals who received the diplomas and medals for 30 years in public service.