
XII edition of the Group of Energy and Power Electronics Symposium

The XII edition of the Symposium of the Group of Energy and Power Electronics (GEPE) took place last June 29th, in hybrid format (online and in the Azurém campus of the University of Minho).

The program of this edition included the presentation of the Power and Energy Electronics Group and the works of the researchers, PhD students and MSc students, as well as the presentation of the companies VISHAY, EFACEC and PETROTEC, with disclosure of employment opportunities, summer internships and curricular internships.

he Group of Energy and Power Electronics is a research group integrated in the Industrial Electronics Line of the Centro Algoritmi.

The group is constituted by researchers of the Industrial Electronics Department of University of Minho, hired researchers, MSc and PhD students.

The main research fields of the group are centered in the application of Power Electronics to Energy Systems.

The group has know-how and competences in the development of:

  • Power Quality Conditioners;
  • Power Quality Monitoring Systems;
  • Battery Charging Systems;
  • Renewable Energy grid Interfaces;
  • Power Electronics to Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles.

More info: https://www.gepe.dei.uminho.pt/index.html