
First Junior Company of the EEUM signs protocol with the University of Minho

EPIC – Junior Company of the School of Engineering of the UMinho signed today a protocol of cooperation with the University of Minho. Thus, the university commits to collaborate with teaching and knowledge transfer, and to establish mechanisms to allow for the cooperation between projects and studies.

EEUM reinforces its intention to support and stimulate its students in the pursuit of entrepreneurship, ensuring the right conditions for the success of companies born within academic environment. “EPIC reflects two things: the level of maturity of our students, and their conviction in building their future. It is very gratifying for the university and I want to leave you a word of admiration and appreciation,” said Rui Vieira de Castro, Rector of the UMinho.

“This is the most important protocol we signed so far, because we are now recognized by the University of Minho. Both the UMinho and the EEUM already officially recognize our existence. The level of visibility and support is very gratifying,” said João Moniz.

Rui Vieira de Castro, Rector of UMinho, Guilherme Pereira, Pro-Rector for Institutional Evaluation and Special Projects, João L. Monteiro, Dean of the EEUM, Paulo Sampaio, EEUM’s Vice-Dean, João Moniz, President of EPIC, André Silva, Vice-President of EPIC, and Ana Afonso, Former President.

EPIC Junior is a non-profit organization, exclusively managed by entrepreneurial students of the School of Engineering, focused on providing services in the field of engineering. It aims to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the academic training of students.

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