More than 250 participants are expected between 4 and 6 May, in Braga, and registrations are open. The 4th Portuguese Congress on Building Information Modelling (ptBIM) takes place from 4 to 6 May, at Espaço Vita, in Braga, with more than 250 participants and 99 papers. The local organisation is […]
Daily Archives: 29/04/2022
The ENSICO conference explored the importance of introducing computational thinking in compulsory education in Portugal. The event took place on March 25, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), featuring HASLab researchers and world experts in education and computing. Under the motto “Living with Tecnhnology: Innovation […]
The biggest case study competition in Industrial Engineering and Management took place until April 13th in Vienna, Austria. Catarina Novais dos Santos, David Ribeiro, Miguel Paula and Rafael Couto, first year Master’s students in Industrial Engineering and Management, are representing the University of Minho in the final of TIMES, largest […]
UMinho student coordinates initiative in Minho since 2020. Event reaches 82 cities around the world. The World Creativity Day is celebrated from 20 to 22 April, with more than 2200 free activities in 82 cities around the world, such as in Brazil, China, Nigeria and the United Kingdom. In Portugal, […]
It is held for the first time in Guimarães the spring edition of this prestigious event of IRDTA – Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice. At the end of the morning of April 18th, Domingos Bragança, Mayor of Guimarães City Hall, attended the DeepLearning 2022 Spring event, getting acquainted […]
The 14th edition of RoboParty that took place in the past 7 to 9 April at the University of Minho in Guimarães, had more than 400 young people with more than 100 teams registered, with all robots built and fully operational. The opening session was attended by the Rector of […]
The conclusion is the result of research led by two researchers from the High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HasLab) of the School of Engineering conducted at INESC TEC, which aims to ensure that scientists using supercomputers can carry out scientific studies, in areas such as medicine, natural sciences, climate change and others, […]