Book traces history and challenges of information systems in Portugal The Portuguese Association for Information Systems (APSI), based at the University of Minho, has launched the book “Information Systems – Diagnosis and Perspectives”, with 50 authors summarizing 30 years of teaching and research in this area in Portugal and pointing […]
Paulo Cortez, researcher at the ALGORITMI Center is in 19th place nationally in the area of Computer Science. Paulo Lourenço and Daniel Oliveira, researchers at ISISE, are in 2nd and 27th place nationally, respectively, in the area of Engineering and Technology. Paulo Flores, Metrics’ researcher, is in 6th place in […]
Alexandre Ferreira da Silva, Assistant Professor and Researcher at the CMEMS (Center for MicroElectroMechanics Systems) of the School of Engineering leads one of the six projects approved in the call for Exploratory Projects of the CMU Portugal Program. The “PROMETHEUS” project aims to provide a low cost platform for a […]
What was the church of the Carmo Convent, in Lisbon, like before the 1755 earthquake? A European team led by the School of Engineering University of Minho presented, on the 18th december, a mobile app and a book that allow us to see the invisible. For example, they “rebuild” the […]
The research carried out by a team of researchers from School of Engineering of UMinho – INESC TEC’s High-assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), in the field of computer security, led to the presentation of three scientific articles at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), one of the most […]
Ashis Tripathy, a researcher at the CMEMS – Center for MicroElectroMechanics Systems, has published a paper in the journal Materials Science & Engineering_Reports, one of the world’s most prestigious journals in the field of engineering and new materials and multi-functional structures, with an Impact Factor IF=36.214. The published paper with […]
Miguel Rocha is the new President of Board of Directors The CEB researcher took office in the first Association All Hand, which gathered for the first time all the associates for three days full of meetings and presentations on the challenges of Portuguese science. The election of the […]
Filipa Fernandes proposes a t-shirt that maintains body temperature and improves well-being, even for cancer patients Filipa Fernandes, graduate of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, created an innovative t-shirt that mitigates the effects of menopause. The fabric has a printed coating that regulates the woman’s body […]
The Collaborative Laboratory for Data Driven Innovation Services – DataCoLAB was formally established on 16 July, in Viana do Castelo. DataCoLAB, recognized as a Collaborative Laboratory by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for a period of five years, renewable, after an evaluation process by a panel of international […]
Pedro Arezes, professor of Industrial Engineering, president of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho (EEUM) and national director of the MIT Portugal Programme, was invited to be part of NASA’s panel of reviewers for research proposals on human missions in space. He is the only Portuguese among […]
Nelson Lima, professor at the University of Minho, director of the Mycoteca, and one of the researchers at the CEB – Centre of Biological Engineering, can now add another achievement to his scientific career, with his name given to a new species of fungus for science, Penicillium limae. The homage […]
The Centre of Biological Engineering of the School of Engineering of UMinho is part of a cross-border project to produce biofuel from waste from the wine sector. The project is called Biovino and has a high environmental potential, namely in combating climate change, but also stands out for its strong […]