João Miguel Amorim Novais Costa Nóbrega, Associate Professor, was elected Director of the Department of Polymer Engineering (DEP) of the School of Engineering, for the next biennium. The management team also includes António Gaspar Lopes Cunha, Assistant Professor with Habilitation at DEP, as deputy director.
The swearing-in ceremony took place on July 1, in the School of Engineering meeting room, and was attended by the Dean of School, Pedro Arezes, and the Vice Deans, Estela Bicho Erlhanger and António Vicente.
In his inauguration speech, the new director begins by thanking the outgoing team for their work. Regarding future challenges, João Miguel Nóbrega says that “although we know the limitations, we know that ‘the path is made by walking’, and I hope we do something positive. That’s what we will try to do, with our commitment and dedication.
The Dean of School thanked the last management team for their collaboration and expressed total willingness to assist the new Board team in future challenges.