The 4th edition of “Engenharia: Falar É Fácil?!”, took place on November 16th in the André Cruz de Carvalho Room, in CP2 of the Gualtar campus, and gathered several elements from UMinho with interest or responsibilities in the area of science communication. Opening this event was the Vice-President of the […]
Monthly Archives: November 2021
The researchers from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering of UMinho, Vitor Hugo Carneiro (Metrics), José Meireles (Metrics) and Hugo Puga (CMEMS), along with two researchers from the University of Manchester, S. D. Rawson and P. J. Withers, won the Eng.ª Cruz Azevedo Award, given by the Portuguese […]
At the Gualtar campus, the Centre of Biological Engineering (CEB) of EEUM received during the week of November 22-29 about 130 students from primary and secondary schools in the region, namely on the 24th in the morning and 26th in the afternoon. On the 25th, from 9:30 am to 1:30 […]
Bosch and the University of Minho have organized Next Driving Tomorrow, an event for public disclosure of the results of the innovation partnership in the areas of autonomous driving and digital transformation, as well as the results of the Bosch Suppliers Club companies, on November 9th and 10th, at the […]
The student Manuel Silva, from the Integrated Master in Industrial Electronics and Computer Engineering was distinguished with the Best Internship North award last November 23rd, at the Regional Engineer Day 2021 that took place at Forte Santiago da Barra, in Viana do Castelo. The event brought together about 250 engineers […]
The research carried out by a team of researchers from School of Engineering of UMinho – INESC TEC’s High-assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), in the field of computer security, led to the presentation of three scientific articles at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), one of the most […]
Catarina Cubo, student of the Doctoral Programme in Industrial and Systems Engineering of the School of Engineering, presented her doctoral work at the 45th Quality Colloquium of the Portuguese Quality Association, last November 11, in Lisbon. The presentation took place within the parallel session 2 entitled “Master’s Dissertations | Doctoral […]
André Mendes Carvalho, researcher at the ALGORITMI Center, was identified by the magazine Quality Progress of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) as one of the 40 professionals under 40 years old, in the Quality area, to follow by the technical and scientific community. For the researcher, “This distinction gives […]
The article “A Comparison of Anomaly Detection Methods for Industrial Screw Tightening”, developed under the scope of the R&D project “Factory of Future: Smart Manufacturing”, received the “Best Paper Award” at the 21st International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA), which took place in September 2021, in a […]
The doctoral thesis of Dr. Jorge Fernandes (former student of the Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering), supervised by Doctors Ricardo Mateus (EEUM) and Helena Gervásio (FCTUC), with the title “Modelling the life cycle performance of Portuguese vernacular buildings: assessment and contribution for sustainable construction”, was awarded the prize for best […]
Last Friday, November 12, the presentation of the 20 best projects in competition took place in the afternoon, at the Gualtar campus, which were divided into three evaluation panels, two of which in the areas of Science and Engineering and another in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities. This […]
Gilberto Cunha, student of the Integrated Master in Physics Engineering at EEUM, currently developing a dissertation on “Quantum Bayesian reinforcement learning”, at HASLab INESC TEC-UMinho, was awarded a grant from the New Talents in Quantum Technologies programme of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. He is already the fourth student of this […]