The seventh session of Books with RUM took place on 30 January at the Department of Informatics, with Luís Soares Barbosa, director of this department at UMinho’s School of Engineering. As part of the celebrations for UMinho’s 50th anniversary, Rádio Universitária do Minho (RUM) is running a special cycle of […]
Yearly Archives: 2024
On 16 January, a delegation from Western Michigan University (WMU) went on an institutional visit to the School of Engineering, coordinated by UMinho Vice-Rector Professor Filomena Soares, to explore possibilities for collaboration. The visit was attended by Paulo Zagalo-Melo from Western Michigan University (WMU), Steve But, president WMU College of […]
On 12 January, members of Siemens Portugal were at the Azurém campus, meeting with the President of the School of Engineering to explore opportunities for collaboration. The programme of the visit consisted of a presentation of the School of Engineering and the MIT Portugal Programme, followed by a visit to […]
On 26 January, the members of the Consortium of Engineering Schools met in the meeting room of the EEUM Presidency. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss ongoing projects, as well as the transfer of the executive management of the School of Engineering to FCT-Nova. Representing FEUP were […]
On 30 January, the Azurém campus of the University of Minho hosted an exhibition and live demonstration of 15 projects developed by the 3rd year students of the degree in Industrial Electronics and Computers, as part of the Integrating Project course. These projects, which were on display during the day […]
News reports about leaks of information stored by major applications – collected through their use by ordinary citizens – are common, leaving personal data (often sensitive) exposed. In most cases, said leaks stem from software operating errors capable of causing astronomical losses to companies, both financially and in terms of […]
The Center for Microelectromechanical Systems (CMEMS), which brings together researchers from Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Engineering, has developed an innovative hybrid, multi-material additive manufacturing technology for multi-functional components that has attracted the interest of multiple institutions worldwide, including the ESA. This technology, completely developed at UMinho’s School of Engineering, from […]
On 30 January, pre-school students from EB1/JI Sta. Luzia sang “Janeiras” to the University of Minho community in the central hall of building 1 on the Azurém campus in Guimarães. The initiative had free entry and the support of UMinho’s School of Engineering. The location of the Azurém campus, our […]
The interface of the University of Minho, PIEP – Polymers Engineering Innovation Hub, aware of the importance of innovation for the country’s economic growth, its challenges in the global context and the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2045 in our society, promoted the innovation FORUM on 8 January at the […]
Afonsina – UMinho’s Engineering Tuna celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2024. Its actions transcend academic boundaries, raising the artistic, cultural and traditional spirit of Guimarães and UMinho. Afonsina’s “Public Presentation – 30 Years” event took place on 13 January at Largo da Oliveira, in Guimarães, with the aim of publicising […]
UMinho’s Multidisciplinary Institute of Marine Science and Technology will be a reality in the next few years. The Multidisciplinary Institute of Marine Science and Technology of the University of Minho (MarUMinho), which will occupy the premises of the former Radionaval station in Apúlia, was presented on 9 January at the […]