The University of Minho Engineering School, a partner in the initiative through the EQUAL-IST project, organized a scientific and technological show on May 14 at the Multiusos of Guimarães. 400 highschool students from the north of the country participated.
The exhibition, which is part of the ‘Female Engineers for a day’ Project, aims to combat gender stereotypes and sexual segregation in school, training and professional options among middleschool and highschool students.
Throughout this school year, several activities were carried out with the 26 schools that integrate the project at national level, addressing this issue in schools in Guimarães. EEUM, through the EQUAL-IST project, was present in 17 schools with students from various areas of Engineering and Technologies. The ‘Engenheiras por Um Dia’ project is promoted on the initiative of the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality.