The ALGORITMI Centre of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho is one of the entities involved in NETEDGE, a research and technological development (ID&T) project worth two million euros led by the company dstelecom that will be implemented in co-sponsorship with UMinho (via ALGORITMI), the Institute of […]
Monthly Archives: July 2021
The School of Engineering of the University of Minho is also represented in the Tokyo Olympic Games! The Portuguese delegation has 82 athletes, including four students and alumni of the School of Engineering, who are currently defending the national colours in the biggest world sporting event: Handball – Diogo Ferraz […]
The 13th edition of “Summer on Campus” took place from July 20th to 23rd. In the School of Engineering, 14 high school students got to know the courses and scientific areas taught, in the activities “Engineering at the service of Biomedicine”, “Discover Engineering” and “Multi-Engineering”, accompanied by professors, monitors and […]
Three projects linked to the University of Minho were distinguished on 21 July, under the “CaixaResearch Health Research Competition 2021”, with grants between 500 thousand euros and one million euros for the next three years. One of these three projects is led by Joana Azeredo, professor of the Department of […]
The Collaborative Laboratory for Data Driven Innovation Services – DataCoLAB was formally established on 16 July, in Viana do Castelo. DataCoLAB, recognized as a Collaborative Laboratory by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for a period of five years, renewable, after an evaluation process by a panel of international […]
The year 2020 was marked by the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic and with it millions of deaths, the near collapse of the health sector and the economy in almost all parts of the globe. At the same time, the mandatory containment also on a global scale brought some “relief” […]
Isabel Maria Pinto Ramos, Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Department of Information Systems, received the “Lifetime Academic Achievement Award“, from the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM). This award aims to honour experienced academics with a strong impact on their scientific community through sustained and consistent contributions of […]
The UMinho’s Students’ Group of Industrial Engineering and Management – NEEGIUM created an initiative for the recognition of all the professors who teach the different years of the Integrated Master in Industrial Engineering and Management, by the students of this course. The diploma ceremony took place on the 13th July […]
Pedro Arezes, professor of Industrial Engineering, president of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho (EEUM) and national director of the MIT Portugal Programme, was invited to be part of NASA’s panel of reviewers for research proposals on human missions in space. He is the only Portuguese among […]
The paper “ASPAS: As Secure as Possible Available Systems“, co-written by Houssam Yactine, Ali Shoker, and George Younes, researchers at INESC TEC’s Trusted Software Lab (HASLab), and students of the PhD Programme in Computer Science (MAP-i), received the Best Paper Award at the 16th edition of the International Federated Conference […]
Vinícius Silva, PhD student in Electronic and Computer Engineering, was distinguished with the “Best Abstract Award” in the scope of the 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering at the Symposium of Electronic and Computer Engineering, which took place on 28 and 29 June, in Porto. This prize was awarded in the […]
João Miguel Amorim Novais Costa Nóbrega, Associate Professor, was elected Director of the Department of Polymer Engineering (DEP) of the School of Engineering, for the next biennium. The management team also includes António Gaspar Lopes Cunha, Assistant Professor with Habilitation at DEP, as deputy director. The swearing-in ceremony took place […]