The V2X Project – “Vehicle to Everything Communication” – developed in a partnership between Bosch Car Multimedia and the University of Minho (Algoritmi Center / Computer Communications and Pervasive Media Group) – coordinated by Alexandre Santos and António Costa, researchers of the Communications and Networks Group of the Department of […]
Monthly Archives: March 2022
The General Secretariat for Education and Science (SGEC) provides, since March 2022, the IT solution Platform@LOGON, which dematerializes all stages of institutional interface between the SGEC and the institutions of the governmental areas of Science, Technology and Higher Education and Education, related to archive management and requests for technical support […]
The removal efficiency of the virus load responsible for COVID-19 in wastewater treatment processes in WWTP is one of the most relevant conclusions of the SARS Control research project. The consortium responsible for the project, involving the Águas de Portugal Group, the University of Lisbon and the University of Minho […]
InfraCrit Project brings together the School of Engineering of UMinho, UCoimbra and PH Informatics, and should be applicable to situations such as storms and attacks The universities of Minho and Coimbra have joined forces with the company PH Informática to create an intelligent system for the protection and management of […]
The MEP and Director-General of CITEVE spoke this Wednesday afternoon in Guimarães. Carlos Zorrinho, MEP and full professor, and António Braz Costa, director general of technology centers CITEVE and CeNTI, participated on the 30th, in the 46th anniversary of the Department of Production and Systems (DPS) of the University of […]
The Presidency of the School of Engineering received, on March 29, a committee from the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, composed of four elements from this institution, namely, José Arnóbio de Araújo Filho, Rector of IFRN; Sérgio Ricardo Barroso Farias, Chief of Staff of the Rectory; Antonia Francimar […]
Fernando Almeida Santos, alumnus of Civil Engineering at EEUM, took office as President of the Order of Engineers last March 25, for the three-year period 2022-2025. Lídia Santiago and Jorge Liça, as national vice-presidents, will accompany the new President, who proposes to “Value Engineers to Value Portugal”. Fernando de Almeida […]
“The color of my fear” is the name of the new digital book developed by the spin-off originated from EEUM, with the purpose of raising children’s awareness of the recent European conflict. On the company’s website you can read that this book and music, built in a concerted way and […]
Book traces history and challenges of information systems in Portugal The Portuguese Association for Information Systems (APSI), based at the University of Minho, has launched the book “Information Systems – Diagnosis and Perspectives”, with 50 authors summarizing 30 years of teaching and research in this area in Portugal and pointing […]
To celebrate International Women’s Day and highlight their importance in the future of the rural environment, Corteva Agriscience and the Confederation of Farmers of Portugal (CAP) announced the three winners of the 2nd Edition of the TalentA Program, in a ceremony that took place on March 08 in the CAP […]
The University of Minho will open next academic year, in partnership with universities in the Euroregion, the PhD in Mathematics and Applications, the Master in Transnational Business Law and Digital Technologies and the Master in Challenges of Cities, the latter under the coordination of Luís Bragança, professor at the School […]
José Vieira, full professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, took office as President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), becoming the first Portuguese to occupy this position. The ceremony took place in the city of San José, Costa Rica, during the General Assembly of […]