The celebration of the 10th anniversary of IdeaLab was held last March 13th at the B-Lounge of the University of Minho Library, in the Campus of Azurém, with the aim of sharing the impact that this Laboratory had on the market both in what concerns the constitution of companies, and […]
The IV Materials Engineering Meeting of the EEUM, under the theme “green and sustainable engineering”, took place from February 25 to 28, bringing together more than 200 participants, 30 speakers, 30 companies and about 15 UMinho courses in a program with multiple related activities. The opening session was attended by […]
The XV Conference on Reconfigurable Systems took place on the 14th and 15th of February at the Azurém Campus of the University of Minho, bringing together the national scientific community with activity and interests around reconfigurable electronic systems, with emphasis on digital programmable devices designated by FPGA (Field Programmable Gate […]
On February 20, the “Systems Thinking in Data Science” was held on the Gualtar campus of the University of Minho. The program included sessions and discussions with specialists that brought to the discussion relevant and current topics of Systems Engineering, aiming also to promote a greater proximity between the students […]
Organized by NEEEICUM, the 2019 Electronic Engineering Meeting took place from 11 to 15 February at EEUM’s Azurém campus. Over the course of a week, various initiatives allowed students to acquire and put into practice knowledge, work hardskills and softskills, and develop more skills as students and future engineers. The […]
On February 13 was celebrated the 43rd anniversary of the Department of Production and Systems. To mark this date the DPS prepared a program dedicated to the theme “Industrial Engineering in the era of intelligent cities and data science”, which included a roundtable discussion with speakers Miguel Araújo, Manager of […]
The School of Engineering Week included debates, study visits, workshops and diplomas ceremony. To celebrate its 44th anniversary, the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, held an event with the theme “Challenges 4.0”, on February 6, at the Noble Auditorium of the Azurém Campus. The debate launched the […]
On January 18, the Engineering Project Management Workshop was held on the campus of Azurém, an initiative of the master’s degree in Engineering Project Management (MGPE), involving the departments of Production and Systems, Civil Engineering and Information Systems Engineering integrated in the School of Engineering of UMinho. The opening session […]
EEUm welcomed 27 students from schools in the districts of Braga, Portugal, Viana do Castelo and Vila Real The students with the best academic performances of half a hundred high schools in the districts of Braga, Bragança, Viana do Castelo and Vila Real were, from 17 to 19 December, at […]
The commemorations of the 30th anniversary of the Industrial Electronics course, currently called Integrated Masters of Industrial Electronics and Computers Engineering, took place on December 12 at the Campus of Azurém, and were attended by students, alumni, professors and former professors. It was attended by the first director of the […]
The Center for Computer Graphics (CCG) celebrated its 25th anniversary on November 23rd, the ceremony was attended by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor. The session was also marked by the announcement of the investment of 3.5 million euros by the CCG over the next three […]
Opening session was attended by the Secretary of State, José Mendes, the Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal, Sofia Colares Alves and the City Councilman, Ricardo Costa. The IV edition of Smart City 360º Summit 2018, organized by the Municipality of Guimarães, University of Minho and […]