
School of Engineering of UMinho celebrates its 46th anniversary

The School of Engineering celebrated its 46th anniversary on October 6th, at 17h00, in the Auditorium Nobre of the Campus of Azurém, in Guimarães. The session included speeches by the Rector of the University of Minho, Rui Vieira de Castro, and the Dean of EEUM, Pedro Arezes.

The program included the lecture “Leading is serving”, by Luís Portela, president of the Bial Foundation. The 70-year-old Portuense native has already held management positions at Bial, the Health Cluster Portugal, the Serralves Foundation, and Cotec Portugal, among others, and has received 15 distinctions in several countries.

The Ceremony also included the first edition of Prizes and Diplomas, publicly highlighting members of the community and entities that collaborate with the School. The Prize for Recognition of Pedagogical Merit went to Anabela Carvalho Alves, Assistant Professor of the Department of Production and Systems, the Prize for Recognition of Scientific Publication Merit went to Paulo José Brandão Barbosa Lourenço, Full Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, and the Performance Award for Technical, Administrative and Management Employees went to Maria Helena Ferreira Dias, Technical Assistant currently working at the EEUM Computer Department. Guimarães City Hall and the company Bosch were, respectively, the winners of the Award for Recognition to Institutions and Individuals and the Award for Recognition to Companies.

EEUM was founded in 1975. It is the largest School of UMinho, with nine departments (Informatics, Production and Systems, Industrial Electronics, Information Systems, Biological Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Engineering and Textile Engineering) and nine research centers (2C2T, Algoritmi, CEB, CMEMS, CTAC, IPC, ISISE, HASLab, METRICs). It currently has 256 career faculty members, 143 PhD researchers, 508 research fellows, and 100 administrative and management staff.