Rafaela Cunha, Fashion Design and Marketing student, was the winner of the IV Young Creators Competition 2020 promoted by the Municipality of Braga. Diana Pereira and Luana Silva, also students of Design and Fashion Marketing at the School of Engineering, were finalists in this contest, making it more challenging for […]
Daily Archives: 23/12/2020
The project CirMAt – CIRcular aggregates for sustainable road and building MATerials led by the dst group and having as partners the ISISE research center of the UMinho School of Engineering, the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) was highlighted at European level […]
The Global Ocean Accounts Partnership aims to establish the state of marine ecosystems and the social and economic impact they have on communities and countries where they operate Tiago Miranda and Eduardo Pereira, professors of the Department of Civil Engineering of EEUM, are the only Portuguese members of the “Global […]
The CoronaSurveys project, with Carlos Baquero – researcher at High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab) and professor at EEUM -, was one of the five finalists of the international competition COVID-19 Symptom Data Challenge. Selected among more than 115 people and 50 organisations, CoronaSurveys earned a prize of $5K; the presentation of […]
The combination of sporting excellence and academic success is worth prizes to 17 students. The University of Minho (UMinho) once again awarded its students who combined sporting excellence with academic success in 2019/2020. 17 athletic students were distinguished with the Sports Merit Awards (PMD), which achieved excellence in 6 sports. […]
The best high school students were in contact with the presidential team and EEUM researchers from December 16-18. The initiative, called “The Best Student at UMinho”, presented UMinho’s training offer in an online model and highlighted the research being done in this academy, which they may take part in. The […]
Catarina Noronha wants to change her look on fashion and create collective memories. For this, the alumna of the School of Engineering of UMinho thought Modar-te, a creative nucleus that aims to contribute to a city with a more open look for art and design. The project intends to create […]
António Gomes Correia, full professor of the Civil Engineering department, was elected last December 10th as a member of the Board of Directors of Gustave Eiffel University, based on the criterion of being a “foreign or French personality with significant professional experience in the field of higher education and research […]
Sérgio Miguel da Silva Coelho is a student of the Integrated Master in Industrial Electronic Engineering and Computers at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, where he is working on the thesis “Development of a Micro-Inverter for Renewable Energy Systems in Distributed Micro-Networks”, which earned him an […]
Two finalist students of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Minho have created cork mask holders, which value sustainability, innovation and health. The project was born during the pandemic and as an alternative to plastic bags. From the size of a credit card, the structure folds in half and tightens […]
Joana Azeredo, a researcher and professor at EEUM was awarded the Silver Grade Medal by the Municipality of Braga. The municipal merit medals honor various entities and personalities who have distinguished themselves for their civic achievements or personal merits. In total, 58 medals of merit were awarded last December 9th, […]
A team composed by Maria Gonçalves and Mariana Costa, students of the Integrated Master in Biomedical Engineering, and professor Susana Catarino, won the public vote in the Angelini University Awards 2019/2020, with the project “EpisKey – The key to a better life”, a multidisciplinary device for the pre-diagnosis and treatment […]